weep and laugh

Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart do not know how to laugh either – Golda Meir

Golda Meir’s quote, “Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart do not know how to laugh either,” speaks to the depth and authenticity of human emotions. It suggests that the ability to fully experience one set of emotions, like sorrow, is intrinsically linked to the capacity to wholly experience others, like joy.

The Depth of Emotional Experience

Embracing the Full Spectrum

This statement highlights the importance of embracing the full spectrum of human emotions. It implies that those who allow themselves to deeply feel and express sadness are also more capable of experiencing profound joy and laughter.

Fear of Vulnerability

Often, people may avoid fully experiencing certain emotions, like sorrow, due to fear of vulnerability or perceived weakness. However, Meir’s words suggest that this avoidance can limit the intensity of positive emotions as well.

The Connection Between Sorrow and Joy

Learning from Sorrow

Deep sorrow can teach empathy, resilience, and understanding. These lessons enrich our lives and deepen our capacity for happiness. People who have experienced profound sadness often have a greater appreciation for moments of joy and happiness.

Authenticity in Emotions

The quote also speaks to the authenticity of emotions. Experiencing emotions in their true depth, whether it’s weeping or laughing, allows for a more genuine and fulfilling life.

The Balance of Life’s Emotions

Emotional Range and Human Experience

Life is a balance of highs and lows, and Meir’s words remind us that to fully engage with life, we must be open to both ends of this emotional spectrum.

The Importance of Emotional Health

This perspective also underscores the importance of emotional health. Being in touch with a wide range of emotions, and understanding how to process and express them healthily, is vital for overall well-being.


Golda Meir’s profound statement, “Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart do not know how to laugh either,” encapsulates a deep truth about human emotions. It encourages us to embrace both joy and sorrow fully, as this openness enriches our lives and makes our experiences more authentic and meaningful. Understanding and accepting the full range of our emotions is key to living a balanced and fulfilling life.