Life Goes On

In three words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: It goes on – Robert Frost

The phrase “It Goes On,” encapsulating life’s continual progression, offers a profound yet succinct understanding of the human experience. These three words, often attributed to Robert Frost, hold deep meaning in their simplicity.

Life’s Persistence

The Unstoppable Flow of Time

The essence of this phrase lies in acknowledging that time is relentless and unstoppable. No matter what happens in our lives, whether joyous, tragic, or mundane, time continues its inexorable march forward.

Resilience Amidst Change

It implies resilience. Life’s capacity to move forward, regardless of circumstances, reflects the human ability to adapt, recover, and find new paths even in the face of adversity.

Lessons in the Phrase

Acceptance of Change

One of the key lessons is the acceptance of change. Understanding that life goes on encourages a perspective of acceptance towards life’s inevitable changes and uncertainties.

The Continuity of Hope

This phrase also embodies the continuity of hope. Even in the darkest times, the fact that life goes on provides a sense of hope and possibility for the future.


In just three words, “It Goes On,” there’s an encapsulation of a fundamental truth about life’s nature. It’s a reminder of the constant motion of existence, the inevitability of change, and the enduring human spirit that adapts and perseveres through it all. This phrase encourages embracing the flow of life with resilience, acceptance, and an ever-present hope for what lies ahead.